Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Campaigns

Are you a tradie looking for ways to grow your business? If so, you should definitely consider using GOOGLE ADS. Google Ads is a powerful tool that can help you reach more potential customers and grow your business. It can make your services look big, just like the “big guys” in the industry and give you an instant boost to rank on the top pages of search results.

That is if and only if you know how Google Algorithm works. So you better read on so you’ll know how this marketing system works.


Are you a tradie looking for ways to grow your business? If so, you should definitely consider using GOOGLE ADS. Google Ads is a powerful tool that can help you reach more potential customers and grow your business. It can make your services look big, just like the “big guys” in the industry and give you an instant boost to rank on the top pages of search results.

That is if and only if you know how Google Algorithm works. So you better read on so you’ll know how this marketing system works.

website-design-for contractors

How does Google Ads work?

Google ads work by a selection of keywords that you deem profitable for your business. Based on these selected keywords, you should develop a landing page where interested visitors will go into to know more about your ad campaign.

This is not a simple strategy to implement and it requires skills and expertise for it to cost-efficiently work to your advantage. So, you need someone who will meticulously handle it for you. Otherwise, you may be seeing your ad budget go down the drain without any return of investment.

How does Google Ads work

How much do I need to start with a Google Ad campaign for my Contractor Business?

You may be thinking that you don’t have enough budget to run a campaign. But actually, you need as little as just $5 a day to start your Google Ads campaign. We’ll test it for you and recommend the best formula that will yield the most profitable results.

Talk to us, so we can start planning it together.

How much do I need to start with a Google Ad campaign for my Tradie Business


If you think that GOOGLE ADS is the only way you can generate leads into your contractor business, you better think again. GOOGLE has other ways to help drive traffic into your website and give you additional leads. Here are just some of these:

Google Maps

If you have searched a particular service via Google, you will most likely see something like this:

This is the value of ranking on top of Google Map Results.


Being on top of Google Map Results means more exposure for your tradie business, which also means more potential queries coming in. So it is important for you to make the most out of your Google Map results.

Here at M BUSINESS, we have the formula to help you rank on top. Let’s talk.

Google My Business

Now that you are acquainted with Google Maps, let us introduce to you Google My Business.

Google My Business is the one shown at the right side of search results. It gives your business priority when it is shown in search results. So, it is important that it has all the relevant information about your business, which includes photos related to your products and services.

We consider this your teaser page for all potential clients. Thus, it is important that the photos and information present in this section is complete.

Do you have one but is not uploading photos for your products or services?

Then you are missing a lot of opportunities. Invest time and effort feeding GOOGLE about your business and it will REWARD you BIG TIME.

Don’t have the time to care for your GOOGLE PROFILES? Our team can help you.

Schedule and appointment with MIKE so he can discuss the different marketing campaigns we can do for you.

Hurry! Another day missed is equivalent to several leads going down the drain.


Google isn’t the only way to get your message across. You need a comprehensive, long-term strategy that will help you win clients and keep them coming back for more. This means leveraging social media channels like Facebook and Instagram with targeted ads on Google Adwords.

GOOGLE ADS for TRADIES - What we have to say

You may also incorporate traditional marketing techniques suchas email referrals from within your website. So it’s all about finding out what works best based off of an individual’s needs rather than just relying solely on one source and materializing everything at once. Afterall, each of your potential client is unique from one another.

Don’t have the time to care for your GOOGLE PROFILES? Our team can help you.